Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 12/22/12, Best Sound Editing, 1989
This is the third in the Indiana Jones series, and it starts off with a young Indiana Jones (played by River Phoenix) and Indy displays his knack for finding artifacts and trouble. The story also introduces his father, played by Sean Connery. Set during the Nazi era, but pre-World War II, Indy and his father head off on a quest for the Holy Grail under the duress of an agent of the Nazis. It has a boat chase, rats, secret codes and some comedic interplay with Connery and Harrison Ford. The movie won for Best Sound Editing going up against Black Rain and Lethal Weapon 2. It took me a long time to watch this movie because for some reason I just never got into the whole franchise and only really remember the first movie even though I know I saw the second one. I started to like the movie a lot more once Sean Connery’s character came on screen, it was a lot more fun and funny. 

Lesson learned (I think): don't try to cram in eight movies and expect to be able to write anything interesting or witty on every single one. This was the fifth or sixth movie from the holiday weekend and the tank was empty. My apologies to those seeking enlightenment. The good news, only 793 movies to go...the bad news, the 2013 Oscar season is right around the corner. 

Whiling away the time while staying at home

There is no denying that these are very strange and tumultuous we're living in. Obviously I haven't been blogging too much lately, i...