I have seen Steve Hackett five times prior to Monday, but never in Minneapolis. I was pretty excited when I saw that he was coming to the Twin Cities. On this tour, he was focusing on his album, Spectral Mornings released forty years ago and my favorite Genesis album, Selling England by the Pound, as well as including songs from his latest album, At the Edge of Light. It must be hard to put a set list together when you have over 20 solo studio albums, plus a rich catalog from your Genesis years, and several collaborations.
The first half of the night was dedicated to Spectral Mornings, including "Everyday", "The Virgin and the Gypsy" and "Clocks - The Angel of Mons". Hackett is very engaging and he seems to enjoy chatting with the crowd, even handling the moron who kept yelling out "Freebird". Honestly, what are you 17? Hackett politely told him he was not going to hear that song and suggested he get his money back.

The second half was the entirety of Selling England by the Pound. I have seen selected songs from the album by the Genesis tribute band, The Musical Box, but it was something else to see and hear Steve Hackett play his solo on "Firth of Fifth", "The Cinema Show", "The Battle of Epping Forest" and the rare, "More Fool Me". The band was tight, most of them have been touring with Hackett for years, with Nad Sylvan handling most of the vocals; Rob Townsend is Mr. Versatility playing a variety of saxophones and flutes, providing backing vocals and additional keyboards; Jonas Reingold was on bass, 12 string and backing vocals; Hackett's longtime collaborator and keyboard player, Roger King, was at his post at the back of the stage; and on the drums, Craig Blundell replaced Gary O'Toole, I missed Gary's vocals, especially on "Blood on the Rooftops", but Blundell is a strong player and had a wicked solo.
"Firth of Fifth" - the last, but best, part
One of my favorite deep tracks, More Fool Me
A little choppy, but "I (still) Know What I Like"
Some people think I'm weird, nuts, whatever, because I have seen Steve Hackett six times in eight years. But it's a different show every time, and a fabulous show at that. So, I'll keep going, thanks.