Me Tarzan, You Jane

7/13/13, Tarzan, Best Original Song, 1999

I needed to lighten up the day, especially after falling asleep during Cimarron (a winner from the 1930s), and having to choose between Fellini's 8 1/2 and It Happened One Night, so I went for an animated Disney film, Tarzan. I had a couple of thoughts, which if you actually say them out loud, perhaps you should not be watching Disney movies, or anything, really. But, do all of the animals in the 'jungle' actually belong in that particular habitat; and how does Tarzan do all that running without shoes? Don't his feet hurt? I don't like getting a pebble in my shoe, much less running along at high speed and climbing trees. I'm kind of wimpy though. Anyway, it's a good movie, it's got a couple of villains, a leopard and later Clayton, the guide, some great action scenes, and a little bit of silliness (courtesy of Rosie O'Donnell as Terk and Wayne Knight as Tantor). Minnie Driver voices Jane, and Tony Goldwyn (who is currently the President in Scandal, which also requires you to suspend disbelief, but is very good) is Tarzan. Phil Collins wrote the award-winning song, "You'll Be in My Heart", which is probably not my favorite Phil Collins song, but when I look at the other nominees, I don't think I've heard one of those songs on the radio EVER, so it doesn't seem like 1999 was a very tough year. I rather liked the songs in the soundtrack, unlike some movies (why does The Thomas Crowne Affair always come to mind) the winning song fits the story and the characters. There are so many animated kids' movies out there, but some of them are dreadful, so if you're looking for one that isn't, Tarzan fits the bill. And you don't even need a kid to watch it (nobody will know).

Whiling away the time while staying at home

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